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Offline, last seen 4 months ago
Joined November 7, 2024
I wanted to create a global theme setting for custom code in the <head> tag and got the setting in Shopify by manually editing the settings_schema.json file in Github. To get it to work I want to add {% if settings.custom_head_code != blank %}{{ settings.custom_head_code }}{% endif %} in the global head code in Webflow (so it is included in all layout files). But when I do that, the text is moved into the <body> and inside of a <p> tag instead. I suspect that this is something that Liquify is doing, since it looks correct in the Webflow code export.

Is there a way I can keep this as pure Liquid code directly in my <head> tag when doing the Liquify conversion?
I just discovered a typo in the search input field in the navigation, which caused the search to not work. The name of the input field needs to be q but in the cloneable it is p. This is only the case in the search from the navbar. The search in the filter menu has q.
I'd like to add an announcement banner above the header section in my theme. It is my understanding that this is defined in the theme.liquid file, but I don't know if it is possible to edit the part of the file which is inside of the page-wrapper. I could edit it manually in GitHub, but I guess it would be overwritten the next time I merge. Is it possible to mark a section as something which should be included in the theme.liquid file like that?

My alternative is to create the announcement banner as part of the navigation, but that makes it harder to create the sticky functionality I'm looking for (i.e. sticky nav, but banner scrolls out).
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What would be a good way to hide the quantity badge on the cart when it = 0? I tried creating a custom attribute that contains the number of items in the cart data-products="{{ cart.item_count }}" and then adding CSS for [data-products="0"]{display: none;} and it kinda works, but the attribute is only updated on page load, so it's not a great solution.