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Updated 4 months ago

Smooth Variant Image change

At a glance
Is there a way, that the variant Image changes smooth? Like in the Video (First Part) and in the second Part, there is the Version, that is not that smooth.
Smooth Variant Image change
Hi @consti, yes thats possible.. alpine js has a transition feature: https://alpinejs.dev/directives/transition
you can add a transition to a x-show element
@jonas.halbstark not how I tried it, but I am currently on it
I need to add the attribut "x-transition" to the image with the attribut x-bind:src="variantImage ? variantImage : product.featured_image" right?
it doesn´t work like I did it.. is there something wrong? https://mk7svebqxx54xnwc-57626296517.shopifypreview.com
ah got it.. you are only changing the first image. x-transition only works witk x-show
you could try something like this:
<div x-data="{ opacity: 1 }">
<!-- put this somewhere on the variant selector -->
<div @click="opacity = 0; setTimeout(() => { opacity = 1 }, 500)">Animate Opacity</div>

<!-- Image with dynamic opacity and transition -->
<img src="image1.jpg"
:style="{ opacity: opacity }"
class="w-full h-auto transition-opacity duration-500 ease-in-out"
alt="Image with fading effect" />
x-data should be on a wrapping element wehre the images and the variant slector is inside
i did this, but I think I did something wrong 😅
do you have a new preview link for me?
i cant find this in the code x-data="{ opacity: 1 }"
it´s on the 12-col-grid
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