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Missing creation_date in Contact Form

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What do I need to change that the ceeation_date will be shown in the contact form?
Hi @consti, i dont think there is a variable which you can use. Maybe you can create is with javascript. But the creation date is the date when it was sended or?
Right, I thought this is default, do you know how I can remove it?
Can you send me the url of the form?
Where do I find the form and the url to it? I didn‘t know I can customize it
it should be somewhere on your site or? This one? https://www.gooddesk.de/pages/kontakt
Oh yes, this one. I thought you mean the url to the contact form that we get in the mail. Sorry, yes this is the contact form
i cant see an input with "neue kundennachricht...".. how did this appear in the submission?
I don‘t know, I thought this is something default from shopify and I couldn‘t find something in the Shopify Forum
but how do you managed to write something in there? "geht das creation_date jetzt"
„Geht das creation_Date jetzt“ is a Field with the Name „contact[subject]“
It‘s called Betreff
And I also don’t know why there is a Field called Ländercode.. the client already hat the Setup and I just uploaded the Theme
it looks like its not possible to change at the moment. But you can write contact[reason] instead of contact[subject] as name of the input
So than the %{creation_date} is away?
Thanks, I will try
did that work? 🙂 @consti
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