Images, collections, and products in menus is a really common feature--how would you do this with Liquify? I'm converting a store from Smootify and would like one nav link to dropdown a collection of 6 products, each with an image and title in a link block.
Hey @Seth, the best way so far would be using Metaobjects, as Shopify does not provide a native way to create Mega Menus. So you would create the different levels as a Metaobject and then reference the levels upwards. For example: Navigation Level 1 is referencing Navigation Level 2 and so on. Then you just have to loop though it and use conditions as you need. If you only go one level deep, you can just create one metaobject and in there create all the items in the dropdown. li-for="NAME in shop.metaobjects.NAVIGATION_LEVEL_NAME.values" would be the first level. And if you go deeper, li-for="NAME2 in NAME.KEY.value"
That also works very well if you don't need the flexibility of the metaobject. So if you just want to show the products of that collection, your solution would probably be the better one