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Updated 3 months ago

How can i add or link author info to the design?

At a glance
want to add authors to the blog posts but not sure what's needed. didn't see it in the starter template. just need avatar, name, and title
and what about other items such as summaries/descriptions, published date, categories, etc
Hi @Nicco πŸ™‚
for this i would use the article object from Shopify.
Inside you finde the user object which contains all the Author information (Name, Image etc)

So a author name would look like: li-object="article.user.name"
author Image: li-object:src="article.user.image | image_url: width: 100"
The image of an author is the user image in shopify backend
what determines the dropdown arrow? (i DON'T want one)
the arrow is from the webflow dropdown. you can delete it webflow. Hope that helps
is that not linked to a certain setup on shopify's end of things?
is this a navigation? are there any liquid attributes applied to the arrow? can you send me the read only link?
yeah i have it straight from the starter template
possible to have 2 versions of a nav? or an option for editors inside of shopify to HIDE links/buttons? to only have a logo?
currently they have a "splash" page up: https://getbovi.com/
wanting to keep this while i test adding the blog in place
Hi Nico,
yes thats possible. We use prefixes in the menu title to show diffrent types of dropdowns: link.title contains '1-'
and then remove it in the text again: link.title | remove: '1-'
Does that solve your problem @Nicco ?
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