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Giftcard page

At a glance
Hi! I've applied custom styles to the Giftcard page, but I still see the default one after the Liquify conversion.

From the quick research, I can see that the giftcard page in Shopify shouldn't support sections, right? Yet in the gift_card.liquid the page uses {{ content_for_layout }} as othe .json layout-based pages.
Hi @Georgy Rakita, to be honest we dont really use this page. @marv i think you had a customer latley or?
@Georgy Rakita are you using account pages 2.0?
Hi @marv , @jonas.halbstark ,

Yes, I'm using new account pages in this project.

I'm not sure the client would need the gifitcard, but I already styled it as it was part of the template and thought that it would be nice if it could work.
it looks like when you use account pages 2.0 that you cant style the gift card
I have asked the shopify support and they told me that
Ah okay, thanks @marv , this is good to know! Weird limitation!
I also find it weird, I dont have 100% confidence in the support team but I think in this case it could makes sense
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