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Updated 2 months ago

Footer column and links setup

At a glance
Hi @Nicco, you are two times using the li-for="link in linklists['footer'].links" inside each other. The first -li-for already create the menu. So you need to place on the second li-for inside this attribute: li-for="child_link in link.links". You can also check the cloneable for this πŸ™‚
hm i'll take a look. i was referencing the cloneable for this
ok footer_list now has li-for:inside="child_link in link.links"

but it shows like this
Plain Text
<div li-for="link in linklists['footer'].links" id="w-node-_6a525c45-c08c-def7-0369-2adae5ff5c54-e5ff5c49" class="footer_column_01">
<h5 li-object="link.title" class="heading-style-h6">Find your way</h5>
<div li-for:inside="child_link in link.links" class="footer_list">
<a li-object:href="child_link.url" li-object="child_link.title" href="#" class="footer_link u-text-main">Shop</a>
Looks good. Do you have any child links in the footer menu setup in Shopify?
so you dont want sublinks?
you mean the undline is missing? can you check it in the shopify preview? sometimes the new css takes some time to load in shpoify
ok i reordered some things
had to set it up like this
ah now i got what you wanted to achieve πŸ™‚
good work! πŸ™‚
just had to understand the hierarchy
last thing for this page, for now.

i have these videos setup as blocks. all working, except video playback isnt? is there a better way to setup items like these? would be nice to have user click and lightbox come up. but i'd settle for just playback per slide working
Hi @Nicco, so you want to have a video light box? Similar to this https://www.aqon-pure.com/?
yep! just like that. in a swiper, only just the video, thumbnail, and play icon. no info.
i have created the popup with alpine js but finsweet modals would also work. You just need to manage that the video stops playing when you clos the popup. Thats why i use x-if from alpine because then it will gets removed from the dom
you have that in a webflow share link i could dig around in?
curious, will the popup only happen on published site?
Yes.. Thats JS. It only works on the live Sites
sorry, i mean on shopify site or webflow site?
Webflow does not execute JS in the preview or designer. Shopify can preview JS in the designer. Sometimes you need to click save to execute it again
you able to help me see why it's not working?
Alpine js only works when you add a x-data attribute around it. You also need to define the variabples open1 open2 etc. so like this: x-data="{{% for block in section.blocks %}open{{ forloop.index }}: false, {% endfor %} }"
and you dont need the x-transiton and x-show on the swiper slide. I just added it use it on a show more button
did that help @Nicco ?
i did some work with it. kind of half it halfway working. shopify and the popup video arent linked for some reason
So you need to imagine that the slider is a list of blocks and the modals are also a list of blocks of the same items. So you also need to place a li-for="blocks in section.blocks" around the modals. Like i have it in the example
by the way, what's the difference in shopify 1.0 vs 2.0 theme support. was the trial 2.0?
Shopify 2.0 offers you sections everywhere. So merchants can edit every page like the homepage
dureing the trail everyone had access to shopify 2.0
subscribed. dashboard keeps redirecting to subscription page though
Hi @Nicco, can you send me your account mail via dm? So i can check the status
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