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Display size in the cart

I would like to display the size of an item in my /cart page, how can I achieve that?

I am sure its in the documentation somewhere but couldnt find it
Hey Kevin, if the size is a variant/option, this should do the trick:

li-js-text="product.options_with_values.find(item => item.name === 'Size').value"
I also have a li-object:href attribute on the same element, maybe that is not possible?
Can you try x-text="product.options_with_values.find(item => item.name === 'Size').value" instead then? And is the option called "Size" with a capital S? It needs to be exactly the same.
Yeah its Size! πŸ™‚
Ill try that!
Did not seem to work either, the attribute should be x-text? Havent seen this before
Can you also give me the password to the shop? :)
Ofc sorry! Password is "fourtimesone" press the login button in the right bottom corner (its very low opacity)
Ah, sorry. I didn't read it right and thought you meant the mini cart.

If your size option is always at the same position, you can do it like this:

The number is just the index of the option. So if you only have sizes as options, you can leave it as 0
Awesome thanks Jan!
I have a wrapper with the size, with the text element and this li-object attribute value in.
Whenever I dont have this varient set, I want to hide the wrapper. How can I do that?

Actually what would be better is just to render a list of wrappers with variant type and variant value in it?
So you could just put an li-unless="item.product.has_only_default_variant" on the wrapper for the visibility

Or, as you said, you could loop over all the options and their respective values like so (li-unless wraps li-for and li-for wraps the other two attributes):


li-for="option in item.options_with_values"

That worked exactly how I wanted it, huge thanks
Where do you find these, on the shopify cheatsheet? I'd like to learn how to look it up πŸ™‚
I only use the shopify.dev documentation. So in this case, you could look up the line_item object and then go deeper depending on what you need: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/liquid/objects#line_item
You also always have a nice json visualisation on the right side
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