The community member is having trouble using the Page Select or similar meta objects to link to collection pages in Shopify, as the collection pages are not showing up. They also mention that using normal URL inputs won't work with multi-language setups, as clicking on the meta object will redirect to a different domain (e.g. .de instead of .at).
Other community members suggest a few potential workarounds:
Translate the metafields/metaobjects
Use the slug instead of the full URL, like /products/
Use the request object to get the current local URL
However, there is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
I want to use the Page Select or something similar in the meta objects to link to collection pages. But there are not showing the Collection pages in Shopify.
I used normal url inputs before, but these wonยดt work with the multi language because of if I am on the page wth the .at domain ( and I click on the meta object it will redirect me to .de or something else...