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Add Collection Pages to Page Select?

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I want to use the Page Select or something similar in the meta objects to link to collection pages. But there are not showing the Collection pages in Shopify.

I used normal url inputs before, but these wonยดt work with the multi language because of if I am on the page wth the .at domain (www.domain.at) and I click on the meta object it will redirect me to .de or something else...

Does somebody know how I can change that?
Hi @consti, we also run into the same problem always. There is no all pagees metafield
Did you find a workaround? ๐Ÿ™‚
you can translate metafields/metaobjects.. or just add the slug and not the full url.. like /products...
and then you can use the request object to get the current local url: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/liquid/objects/request
thank you ๐Ÿ™
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