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Updated 5 months ago

Accessing and displaying metafield items

At a glance

The community member is trying to use metafield images from collections as custom footer images in Webflow. They have set up the "li-section" on the outer div and "li-object" on the placeholder image, but the images are not appearing once uploaded as a theme.

The comments suggest that the community member should use "li-object:src" instead of "li-object" and specify the dimensions with the "image_url" filter. Another solution proposed is to use "li-settings:image" and select the metafield in Shopify's editor.

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If i want to grab metafield images, in this case from collections, and use them as a custom footer image(s), am I correct in thinking I have to add the "li-section" to the outer div (inside the main wrapper), and then "li-object" on the placeholder image inside webflow? If so, I have set up like below but the images are not appearing once uploaded as a theme:

| Div with "li-section=prefooter" - works and displays in theme
| Image with "li-object=collection.metafields.custom.collection_image"

Am I using the wrong selectors on li-object?
Hey @poultonjoe, in that case you would need to use li-object:src, so add the :src modifier. And I think you also need to specify the dimensions with the url filter. So in the end it should look something like this:
li-object:src="collection.metafields.custom.collection_image | image_url: width: 1000, height: 1000"

You can play a bit around with the image_url filter, here is the documentation: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/liquid/filters#image_url
And to get a better idea of what attribute modifier you need to use, you can take a look here: https://www.liquify.pro/docu/getting-started#Liquid-Objects

li-object ist essentially the same as li-object:text, so you only use it for text. In other cases, for example a link, you would need to use the :href modifier
Hi @poultonjoe,
another solution would be using li-settings:image="Image" and then using the dynamic source in shopify. So this section can be used also in other places.
If you added this attribute on the image you can got into shopifys editor and selcect the section. There you can see the image settings. Click on the dynamicsource icon and select the metafield.
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